8 Tips You Should Know if You Get in a Car Accident

Heavy rainstorms in Southern California have spiked a severe increase in freeway car accidents over the weekend. The storm, which forecasters said was the strongest in several years, set rainfall records on Sunday and caused widespread flooding after several hours of sustained, pouring rain. The influx of rain caused hundreds of car accidents, clogging up several Los Angeles and [...]

By |2017-01-23T10:53:59-08:00January 23rd, 2017|News|0 Comments


The child custody mediation process is one in which parents attempt to work together to devise a parenting plan that is mutually acceptable to both parents. This parenting plan may be quite structured (specifying day-to-day timeshare as well as holidays, vacations, and other special issues). The most important aspect of custody mediation is that parents [...]

By |2016-03-07T10:36:34-08:00February 21st, 2014|News|0 Comments
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